
  • Rapportserien: Funktionsnedsättning och Samhälle

    Rapportserien: Funktionsnedsättning och Samhälle presenterar forskning om funktionsnedsättning och samhälle på ett populärvetenskapligt sätt. Syftet är att nå ut till en bred publik. Varje artikel kommer att finnas öppet tillgänglig i flera olika format för att öka tillgängligheten. Rapportserien drivs av avdelningen Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle på Linköpings universitet.

  • ATENA Didaktik

    Avisa för Teknikens och Naturvetenskapernas Didaktik

    ATENA Didaktik vänder sig till dig som är intresserad av hur skolundervisning inom naturvetenskaps- och teknikämnen kan utvecklas genom forskning och beprövad erfarenhet. Det är en professionsvetenskaplig tidskrift skriven för lärare. ATENA Didaktik ges ut digitalt av Nationellt centrum för teknikens och naturvetenskapernas didaktik - NATDID.

  • Culture Unbound

    Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research is an open-access peer-reviewed journal that publishes interdisciplinary cultural research. It aims to be international in its readership, authorship and content. The journal challenges existing models of traditional scholarly publishing through its strong commitment to open access publishing and the encouragement of innovative and experimental publishing methods. This allows Culture Unbound to stand as a truly accessible home for cutting-edge cultural research.

    The journal welcomes research that explores cultural perspectives, issues or phenomena and contributes significantly to scholarly discussions in one or more fields or disciplines. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary research as well as work that presents innovative theoretical or methodological approaches. Culture Unbound also welcomes review articles that surveys emerging or changing fields of cultural research.

    Culture Unbound is owned by the Department of Culture Studies (Tema Q) at Linköping University, and hosted by Linköping University Electronic Press. It has three editors who are appointed by its owning unit with the task to run the editorial work and organise the Editorial Board. It has no organisational, political or commercial agenda, as its sole purpose is to publish the best possible open access journal for cultural research.

  • Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics

    Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal on issues related to education. The journal provides a space for essayistic writing and social critique in this area, and particularly welcomes philosophical and political contributions. Click Aims & Scope for more information.

    Confero is published with support from the Department of Behavioral Science and Learning at Linköping University and the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Linköping University.

  • De Ethica

    De Ethica - A Journal of Philosophical, Theological, and Applied Ethics

    De Ethica seeks to publish scholarly works in philosophical, theological, and applied ethics.

  • European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults

    The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA) is a refereed academic journal creating a forum for the publication of critical research on adult education and learning. It has a particular focus on issues at stake for adult education and learning in Europe, as these emerge in connection with wider international and transnational dynamics and trends. Such a forum is important at a time when local and regional explorations of issues are often difficult to foreground across language barriers.

  • International Journal of Ageing and Later Life

    The International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (IJAL) serves an audience interested in social and cultural aspects of ageing and later life development. The journal welcomes contributions based on empirical work as well as methodologically interested discussions, that aim at advancing the conceptual and theoretical debates of relevance on ageing and later life research. To assure high standard, IJAL uses a double blind review process. In order to stimulate exchange of ideas on ageing across many parts of the world, IJAL does not charge authors for their submissions and has been available free of charge to anyone with Internet access since 2006.

  • Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training

    The Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training (NJVET) is a refereed academic journal creating a forum for the publication of research on vocational and professional education and training.

  • Northern European Journal of Language Technology

    NEJLT is a global journal publishing peer-reviewed research on natural lanauge processing and computational linguistics research for all languages.

  • Service Design Materials

    If design is about forming materials, then what are the materials of service design? The need for exploration of this question, to form discourses around descriptions of materials, and to discuss materials as a way of exploring what service design is and can be, has received renewed attention lately.

    This journal like website will become an online library of materials of service design, based on suggestions and descriptions submitted and reviewed by the service design community.

    Welcome to submit!

    /Stefan Holmlid, Johan Blomkvist, Simon Clatworthy

  • Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift

    Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift is a Swedish journal for  social science research and social issues, with a particular focus on Social work.

  • Venue

    Through the net journal Venue, we wish to stimulate colleagues working in school, as well as colleagues in educational research at universities and colleges, to participate in a qualified exchange of thoughts and knowledge, by describing experiences and research related to pre-school and school. In Venue you will be able to publish, comment on, and develop different kinds of descriptions of proved experiences as well as scientific studies.

  • Valuation Studies

    Valuation Studies sets out to offer an academic platform for research and debate on the problem of valuation. Valuation indeed stands as a crucial problem for the social sciences and the humanities today, in more than one way. Understanding the tensions, determinants, contexts and effects of valuation practices appears indeed as a decisive requirement for the understanding of how our world is constructed, transformed or fractured. An interdisciplinary approach is required in order to investigate the technical cultures, the political imaginaries, the historical processes, the methodological problems and the institutional settings that shape the ways in which things are valued, and to identify relevant shifts, controversies and struggles. Sociological, anthropological, cultural, political, semiotic, historiographic, legal, institutional, critical, organisational approaches to the study of valuation phenomena are needed in order to establish tractable, actionable interdisciplinary knowledge on valuation as a problem. 

    Submissions to Valuation Studies respond to broad calls for contributions curated by the journal’s editorial board. This is to ensure focus and debate, while offering the space to address each call’s purpose from many possible angles and in reference to various forms of evidence and demonstration. The journal assesses incoming manuscripts using double-blind peer review involving at least two reviewers. Accepted manuscripts are published as PDFs with full open access and authors retain the copyright to their work.

    Current issue | View Journal

  • Physiologica

    We are closed for new submission and refer our other journal, Acta Physiologica

    Physiologica publishes original contributions to physiology and related sciences such as pharmacology and biochemistry, provided the physiological relevance is evident either from the title, the content of the article or an explanatory statement by the author. The journal welcomes submission of original papers and reviews by authors from throughout the world. No affiliation to a Scandinavian institution is required. Examination of all submitted papers by at least two well-respected specialists guarantees a high scientific standard of the papers accepted for publication.

  • Sensorium Journal

    Unfortunately Sensorium Journal is discontinued since autumn 2023. The already published content will still be available from the arcive.

    Sensorium Journal is a non-commercial, open access, electronic journal for research on materiality, aesthetics and media technology, and publishes one volume a year. Sensorium Journal consists of a peer-reviewed section for articles and an open section for non-peer-reviewed contributions, that can include artistic, literary, collaborative or/and experimental pieces, as well as translations, interviews and introductions. It is easily accessible for downloading and open access. We welcome articles and contributions in the Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish) and in English.

  • Student Journal of Health Sciences

    This is a discontinued journal, and the last volume was published in 2001.

    Student Journal of Health Sciences was a student-based scientific journal at the Faculty of Medicine, Health University, Linköping University. In this journal abstracts and articles were published based on essays and theses (undergraduate essays, master's theses, etc.) in the field of health sciences, from all education programs at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • Swedish Design Research Journal

    This is a discontinued journal, and the last volume was published in 2017.

    Between 2009 to 2017 Swedish Design Research Journal was published as a journal for design research and development of the design field.

    The journal was published twice per year and consists of two sections: a research section in which an editorial committee reviews contributions in an anonymous process, and a section that comprises interviews, reports, columns and reviews of design-related literature.

  • POST Journal of Political Studies and Theory

    Focus and Scope

    POST is a refereed academic journal which creates a forum for the publication of innovative writing and access to debates that do not get exposure elsewhere. Already canonised established journals reproduce the canon. Even though academic writing is all about inquiry, argument and discussion, these practices are regularily stowed away ahead of the actual publication. Due to these conservative practices, and to the speed of which society and the world of knowledge is currently developing, science publishing is at risk of bracketing/marginalising itself. We believe that science publishing needs to be more about the peer review process rather than gate keeping. POST will be leading the way for new practices in publishing where processes commonly hidden away, here are part of the gaingings.