Accessibility statement

This website is run by LiU Electronic Press. It is our aim that it should be accessible to as many people as possible. On this page, we describe how complies with the Swedish accessibility regulations. We also list known accessibility problems with the website, so that you can report any unknown flaws and we can correct them. We are continuously working to fulfil the requirements of the regulations.

How accessible is the website?

We are aware that the website does not yet fulfil all accessibility requirements stipulated by the law. We are working to solve these problems so that the website will be accessible in accordance with the requirements. See the section “Content that does not live up to the requirements” below for information about known accessibility issues.

Our ambition is to not only to live up to the minimum requirements but also provide a good user experience so that all visitors to the website can understand and use all features and content.

Contact us if you need help or discover accessibility issues

If you are unable to access what you need, discover accessibility issues with the website that are not listed below, or experience that we do not comply with the law, please contact us in one of the following ways:

  • Send an e-mail to
  • Phone us at +46 13 281000 (Linköping University’s switchboard office)


The Agency of Digital Government is the supervisor of issues pertaining to the Swedish accessibility regulations. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your complaints regarding accessibility of the website, you have the possibility to contact The Agency of Digital Government to point this out.

Technical specifications regarding website accessibility

Our aim is to achieve at least the basic requirements of accessibility in accordance with WCAG 2.1 level AA. The website does not yet live up to all accessibility requirements in WCAG 2.1 and is therefore only partially in compliance with the regulations. The flaws are described below.

Content that does not live up to the requirements

The website was launched in 2017. These are known accessibility problems with the website:

  • PDF documents do not live up to accessibility requirements
  • On some pages the colour contrast is low
  • Some images have not been given 'alt' texts (WCAG 2.4.4)

Disproportionate burden

In accordance with 12 § of the Swedish accessibility regulations, LiU Electronic Press invoke exceptions due to disproportionate burden for the following content:

PDF documents

There are a number of PDF documents published on the website that do not live up to the standards of accessibility. In relation to the number of files, the estimated costs of achieving this is not proportionate to the benefits for users. Instead, we offer to adapt our PDF’s upon request.

How we test the website

We have tested through manual evaluations and by using the accessibility testing tool WAVE. The last review was made on 12 August 2021.

This accessibility statement was last updated on 12 August 2021.