Vol. 3 No. 2 (2000)


Editorial Office


Forsberg A, A bright future for the Faculty of Health Sciences

Abstract section

Nursing Programme

Köster-Johansson A, Öberg A, Womans Experiences  of their Lifesituation after a Myocardial Infarction - a Qualitative Analysis

Kämpargård N Thörnström M, Paramedics  Experiences  Related to out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest - a Qualitative Study

Bager K, Larsson K, How to Encounter Patients with Cancer - from the Viewpoint of the Patient and the Nurse - a Review

Bidås H, Wikner U, Clinical Nurses´ View of their Role as Mentors for Nurse Students

Andersson U, Jarhall B, A Comparative Study on Measured Temperatures between Tympanic and Oral Thermometers to a Rectal Reference

Andersson E, Sundberg J, Job Satisfaction and Psychosocial Work Environment among Nurses Working in In-patient Psychiatric Care

Physiotherapy Programme

Nilsing E, Tagesson S, Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. A Review

Eriksson M, Karlsson S, Intra-rater Reliability of Peak Torque and EMG in Knee Extensors during Enduranc Testing in an Isokinetic Dynamometer

Fellman D, Lundstedt E, Intra- and Inter-Observer Reliability of One-Legged Vertical Jump Using Balkeforsmatta

Nilsson T, Olsson C, What is Physical Therapy and What Does a Physical Therapist Do? Conceptions of the Encounter of Patients-to-be. A Qualitative Study

Science and students

Conference advertisment

Studenternas Medicinska Rikstämma May 2001

Published: 2001-02-28

Full Issue